<h1>In-demand slot machines from brand Novomatic</h1> | Ustna Medicina

In-demand slot machines from brand Novomatic

Novomatic is a popular developer in the the gambling industry. Today provides services under the logo Greentube. But visitors important to realize that at a certain time this very brand developed the most popular азино777 for land-based venues and online casinos azino777. Current automatic machines operate on identical mechanisms combination creation as twenty years ago. Name top gaming simulators Novomatic, their key traits and options.

Book Of Ra Deluxe – prototype of slots

Video slot азино 777 came out in 2005 and already soon got an improved version with the icon Deluxe, adapted for IT technologies. Both variations are completely stand out in game mechanics and opportunities of paying out. In connection with this the basic version suspended and since 2008 it is allowed download Books Deluxe. In the entertainment unusual mechanics «Book Of…» added, when one special symbol takes on all principal bonus features. Leading parameters:

  • RTP 92.13%.
  • Maximum Reward x5000.
  • Number of paylines is 9.
  • Playing field format – five by three.
  • Prize Options – Scatter Symbol, Wild Symbol, freespins, expanding symbol.

The course of the game usual: visitor collects victorious rows until a Book arises on the screen, what is considered Wild and Scatter simultaneously. And therefore, obscures other symbols and launches tour with free spins.

This presented online slot is referred to as prototype of this mechanism. Just on its base such tops as Book of the Dead from Plain GO and Book of the Sun: Choice (Booongo) were developed.

Columbus Deluxe – slot machine on a historical theme

This is an improved online slot from 2008, which sends gamers on a historical excursion of the discovery of America. It includes images related to the journey of Christopher Columbus. In the machine with a field 5×3 contain ten pay lines, profitability reaches 95%, and maximum reward is x1200. Of additional opportunities is Wild, Scatter and free spins.

There are no unusual options in Columbus Deluxe, in connection with which the course of the game created on basic possibilities. In connection with this all the possibilities of RTP are laid down in the the usual course of the game, which is recognized important advantage of the simulator.

Sizzling Hot is the renowned slot in the Novomatic history

Despite the technical modernization in 2007, no graphical innovations in the video slot was not carried out. At the present moment Sizzling Hot insignificantly disappointing its own still and primitive fruit images. In spite of this this presented machine has a huge number fans who esteem game mechanics and significant chances of a successful outcome. This is a convenient option for paid game with high expected return (95.6%) and maximum reward of one thousand times higher than the initial deposit. In the emulator Sizzling Hot there are 5 spools in three rows and five paylines, from special images there is exclusively Scatter symbol.

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